
java代码审计 | spring mvc路由详解

引言接着之前java代码审计系列,Spring MVC应该是Java 领域中最流行的 Web 框架之一,本文将继续从实战代码审计中,手动挖掘如何定位spring mvc的路由、分析…

Shiro CVE-2023-46749 路径穿越导致验证绕过

漏洞描述Apache Shiro before 1.13.0 or 2.0.0-alpha-4, maybe susceptible to a path traversal att…

Shiro CVE-2023-46750 重定向到恶意网站

漏洞描述URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability when "form" authenti…

Shiro CVE-2022-40664 请求转发导致的验证绕过

漏洞描述Apache Shiro before 1.10.0, Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in Shiro when forwardi…

Shiro CVE-2023-22602 补丁失效导致的路径匹配绕过

漏洞描述When using Apache Shiro before 1.11.0 together with Spring Boot 2.6+, a specially craf…

Shiro CVE-2023-34478 路径规范化不一致

漏洞描述pache Shiro, before 1.12.0 or 2.0.0-alpha-3, may be susceptible to a path traversal at…

Shiro CVE-2021-41303 路径绕过

漏洞描述Apache Shiro before 1.8.0, when using Apache Shiro with Spring Boot, a specially craft…

Shiro CVE-2022-32532 正则路径绕过

漏洞描述Apache Shiro before 1.9.1, A RegexRequestMatcher can be misconfigured to be bypassed o…

Shiro CVE-2020-11989 路径绕过(越权)

漏洞描述Apache Shiro before 1.5.3, when using Apache Shiro with Spring dynamic controllers, a …

FileUpload1 反序列化漏洞(1)

payload// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fern…

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